I'm not coming here to tell you what to think, I'm coming here to listen to what you have to say.

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

About Subhash Khichar

Pursuit of excellence demands unconditional commitment and fullest of dedication while at the same time paying greatest attention to minutest details”. Whole world is changing, globalization is the new mantra, new technology is evolving, and innovation is today’s requirement. In such a scenario we all have a profound role to play in strengthening the youth of today, in turn the society and the nation.

Education is playing a significant role in shaping the lives of younger generation and in turn contributing towards the socio-economic development of our nation. The need of the hour is to generate knowledge, share the knowledge and apply the knowledge for the economic benefit of our society and country.

Beyond the NSDC tie up, BRM also works with a host of Government agencies on a variety of initiatives across the country. Our initiatives are committed to contribute to the cause of nation building by providing quality education, training, employing and hence empowering them with a chance towards a brighter future.

Apart from our newer initiatives, we are increasing the National foot-print of BRM in the space that has been our forte- Corporate Training Solutions and Entrepreneurship Development. The large scale of expansion is ready evidence that BRM is and will continue providing the best quality training solutions tailor made to address specific business challenges of leading corporate. We take immense pride in being the learning partner to the nation, its people and its industry. A partnership that could just be integral to India’s successes in the time to come.

Our Vision

Society where the communities are able to self determines their choices & translates them into a self-reliant and sustainable livelihood consistent with their survival needs, aspiration and dignity.

Our Mission

To Change the life of orphanage children, generate awareness and to develop leadership for the downtrodden, especially for women towards their rights, which will subsequently, lead to a better living standard.

Core Values

The main focus of social workers is to uphold exemplary public service by helping people in need address and overcome their social issues. They must elevate public service above self-interest or personal gain.